So, it's been a while since this blog looked anywhere presentable. My server situation have been a bit in flux. I went for a webhotel solution for a while, but it just didn't provide the things I wanted: freedom and flexibility. So here we are, back on a VPS, but since last time I've been working with Docker in a few of the courses at uni and I decided it was the way to go, since I don't have an immediate lack of memory.
So, what platform is this blog using now? At first I wanted to make a new one from scratch with Blazor from Microsoft, using webassembly, and I began working on it and got pretty decent progress, having to learn the framework and how to work properly with it. But it took too long and I wanted a blog up and running faster, so I turned to a platform that I've used in the past: Ghost, self-hosted.
So there you have it. Blog back up and looking relatively presentable. Lets see what the future brings.